Kidzone academy and Daycare is a stimulating environment for kids age 3-10 at affordable rates
We are accepting enrollments for 2016
we aim to provide an environment that lets our little minds thrive through learning and playing
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Arrival and Closing Times
Arrival is from 07:30 am to 08:00am
School closes at 17:15pm
In the event that you could be late, please inform us as soon as possible, so we can assure your child that you haven't forgotten about him / her. If you should collect your child after 17:30 pm overtime will be charged at R50 per hour
SafetyFor safety purposes, children must be handed over to the adult in charge and a child will not be sent out to parents waiting in the car. Please inform the school when someone else will pick up your child from school. Your child will not be handed over if parents made no prior arrangements.
Breakfast must be served at home
We provide a healthy lunch, drinks and two healthy snacks
*teeth has to be brushed at home
Healthy food policy is followed by the school and all meals are prepared daily on the school premises under strict supervision.
A cooked lunchtime meal is served. Meals options are alternated to ensure that that our children do not get bored with the same meals
Illness and injuries
If your child will not be attending school, please notify us before 08:40.
Health policy
PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME IF HE / SHE IS SICK. No sick children are allowed at school
In the event of your child falling ill or having a severe injury,
you will be contacted to pick him / her up A.S.A.P. In the event of parents not being available, the friend or family member listed on the registration form will be contacted.It is your responsibility to take your child to the doctor and pay any medical bills ( including ambulance
costs ).
All medication must be handed to the adult in charge. Under no circumstances may ANY medicine be left in your child's bag
Medication All medication must be handed to the adult in charge. Under no circumstances may ANY medicine be left in your child's bag. Your child will not receive any medication, unless you have made a note in their book
Children should wear comfortable clothes
For the first day please send the following:
A facecloth
Navy blue hand towel
4 rolls of toilet paper
Wet wipes
1 Box of 200 tissues
Hat in Summer
Extra set of clothes
1 small Pillow
1 Small blanket
1 pritt
1 hard cover file
swimming costume (if attending swimming lessons)
ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE MARKED CLEARLY Including bottles, lids, containers, clothes, shoes and everything else that belongs to your child.
730- Arrival
Free play
8:15- Toilet routine
Wash hands
8:30- Exercise / movement activities / Gross Motor program – a group experience to enhance children’s large muscle development and develop an enjoyment of physical activities
8:45- Morning ring
what day is it? What month is it ? Season colours shapes numbers Weather chart , register, birthdays, news, What will we be doing today.
9:15- Educational Activity
10:00- Wash hands
Healthy snacks juice
10:30- Outdoor free play (weather permitting)
where there is a variety of physical, fine motor, social and cognitive activities set up for children to further develop their skills of co-ordination and strength and social interactions
11:15- Toilet routine
Wash hands
11:30- Interactive songs and movement
Finger rhymes
11:45- Language/Story Time – educational detailed stories are read to the children. Children are encouraged to recall the events in the story and ask questions. Stories encompass both printed tales as well as felt board and puppet stories
12:15- Wash hands
lunch time
12:45- Afternoon nap
14:00- Wake up time
Toilet routine
14:30- Outside play
15:30- Wash hands
Healthy snacks and juice
16:30- Indoor play
17:00- Preparing for hometime
Rest/ quiet time
17:15- Hometime