News & Events
Extra Mural Activities
(Included in the school fees)
Children are motivated to want to play be active and learn essential fundamental skills for all ball sports. We are a multi-sport group that encourages all-round development through structured sports play sessions. Helping children find their feet onto the sport field is just one small part of what we do at Playball. Our primary concern is developing the whole child so that they feel confident to try new things become more independent leaving mum or the caregiver and enjoying social time with new friends in a teacher-led environment.
We offer a specialized service with exciting sound with animated lessons, and we work with each child individually to take him / her through the essential skills required such as:
Internet safety
Logical thinking
Memory Skills
Life skills
Numeracy / Maths skills
Emotional Skills such as:
Improved concentration
Expansion of self-image
Task completion
Decision making
Ability to venture
Fosters Independence
Problem Solving
Promotes logical reasoning
We offer half hour classes per child once a week
Children discover a world of animation, colour and sound that becomes reality
Progress reports and certificates
uses a hands-on approach to introducing children to new foods, with a view to get them to appreciate good food and a healthy diet.
Children love to cook and, by introducing them to the basics of cooking, they are given skills that will be useful to them throughout their lives. They need to understand nutrition in order to establish healthy eating habits.
All our dishes are easy to prepare which allows children to help their parents cook, thereby giving busy families an opportunity to spend quality time together while cooking quick, nutritious meals. We will also teach children Kitchen safety
• Kiddie Yoga and Aqua
Will be incorporated constantly into our daily routine in the form of stretching and relaxing but will also take place weekly in the form of kiddie yoga sessions. All sessions will revolve around a story that involves music and pictures. Yoga is a wonderful exercise for our pupils to take part in, it teaches them to breathe deeply, stretch, relax and focus on themselves. The children concentrate on the story and focus on their movements.
Aqua yoga has all the benefits of land-based yoga such as stress reduction, better body awareness, and increased flexibility. Being in the water adds an increase in your range of motion, decompresses your spine, reduces the weight on your joints and is accessible to everyone.
we will also teach children water safety
The aim envelopes the technical training of a child’s body in order to strengthen, stretch and mobilize the body through exercise and endeavours to maintain the syllabus and keep up to date with the times by using the latest songs and steps which encourages the children to dance and have a good time!
Each age group joins in a half hour twice a week of music and rhythm. Learning songs as well as doing a variety of movement to music involving acting out stories and songs. Incorporating music into the development of good hand-eye and fun gross motor activity, rhythm exercise, focal exercise, group participation and confidence building. Learning about and how to play simple instruments and making instruments of their own